Popular Aesthetic Treatments For Men in Reno, Nevada

When it comes to cosmetic or aesthetic treatments, it’s normal for your first thought to be about women. Aesthetic treatments have long enhanced female beauty and the industry has typically focused on women as a whole. But more men than ever are embracing the same popular aesthetic treatments that women do. That’s because everyone wants to look and feel their best, especially when they are aging and starting to see changes in the mirror over time. 

At The Beauty Collective in Reno, Nevada, we have extensive experience providing aesthetic treatments to men. The treatment process is not any different than it is for women– our team will discuss all of your aesthetic goals and create a treatment plan to help you exceed them. Let’s dive into the most popular aesthetic treatments we’ve provided to our male patients.

Dermal Fillers For a Strong and Defined Jawline

Just like women, men experience skin laxity, loss of facial structure and definition, and hollowness in certain areas as they age. Loss of collagen and elastin over time is the main cause of these signs of aging, but there are several other contributing factors that may possibly be at play:

  • Lifestyle

  • Stress

  • History of smoking or other environmental factors

  • Diet and/or weight fluctuations 

Dermal fillers are extremely effective, non-surgical injectable treatments used to treat a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. Each brand and type of filler has a specialized formula that can target specific concerns and areas of the face and neck. 

The most desired area of treatment for men is typically the jawline. Many men want to achieve a defined, balanced, and strong jawline. Our team loves to use jawline filler to create a more masculine look. This area is also one of the first to start sagging as we get older, so it’s no wonder it’s the most desired area to treat. 

The best thing about dermal fillers is how versatile they are– with them, our team is able to create the exact look you are desiring or at least get you really close to it. Most areas can effectively be contoured, reshaped, and lifted for a more youthful appearance, and overall symmetry can be restored.

Botox to Reduce and Prevent Wrinkles

We all know how reliable Botox is! It’s natural for lines and wrinkles to form as we age, but it’s super tough when they start to become very prominent over time. For many men, the lines and wrinkles will start to fold and furrow creating areas of the face that look much older than they actually are. It can almost cause a ‘droopy’ like effect that won’t improve unless treated.

Botox is an injection treatment that is used most commonly to smooth out frown lines, crows feet, and forehead lines. Injections work beneath the skin to temporarily reduce muscle activity that has caused such defined wrinkles and folds. Results will give you a noticeably smoother, refreshed look and prevent the lines and wrinkles from getting worse over time. It will feel like you are erasing the signs of aging that were once there.

KYBELLA® to Reduce Double Chin and Enhance Profile

The ‘double chin’ is one of the most frustrating aging concerns to experience. When our lower face and neck start to pull downward over time with lax skin, it makes our facial profile unrecognizable to us. This is true for both men and women, and it’s something that can be experienced no matter how healthy your lifestyle is.

You can’t target certain areas of fat naturally with diet and exercise alone, and that’s especially true for a hard-to-reach area like under the chin. That’s where KYBELLA® treatments come in– they are a non-surgical approach that works to permanently dissolve fat cells under the chin in just several treatments. Treating the fat under the chin will ultimately help with jawline definition and improve your overall profile as well.

KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that can destroy fat cells under the chin. It’s become especially popular for men who may feel that their double chin is causing them to look heavier or older than they really are.

PRP for Hairline Restoration

Hair loss is an especially common and frustrating sign of aging that most men will experience. Medical advancements have made incredible strides over the years though, and there are more ways than ever to treat hair loss. One of the most effective ways is by using your own PRP growth factors. Researchers have found how powerful the body is at healing itself, and this treatment involves pulling platelets from your own blood and injecting them strategically into your scalp.

Some of the benefits of PRP for hair restoration are:

  • Achieving fuller and healthier hair growth

  • Restores and heals your scalp

  • Can improve hair growth around scars and before and after other hair procedures

  • Long-lasting results 

  • Restored self-confidence

CoolSculpting to Sculpt and Tone the Body

It’s common for our bodies to become more resistant to diet and exercise as we age. It can be a huge struggle to burn stubborn fat and keep it off for good. CoolSculpting might just be the right solution for you if you are looking to freeze fat in areas like your arms, back, belly, flanks, or even double chin.

CoolSculpting is an incredibly powerful fat-freezing treatment that involves no surgery, downtime, or pain. Treatments are quick and easy and paired with a healthy lifestyle, can give you incredible results. Millions of patients have been treated and experience a 20-25% fat reduction in the targeted area. 

Book Your Consultation at The Beauty Collective to Get Started

No matter what popular aesthetic treatment you are interested in or what cosmetic concerns you are experiencing, our expert team at The Beauty Collective in Reno, Nevada will walk you through every step of the consultation and treatment process. Rest assured that we will help to create a treatment plan that will help you reach your aesthetic goals and have you looking and feeling your best. Book your consultation with our team today to start seeing results.


CoolSculpting for Chiseled Jawlines and Toned Bodies


Achieve Tighter, Youthful Skin with Endolift® Treatments