Juvéderm®: The Luxe Jawline Filler at The Beauty Collective

Everyone will experience skin laxity, loss of facial definition, wrinkles, folds, and other common signs of aging at some point in their life. The aging process is unavoidable– many factors can contribute to how the signs of aging show visibly on our face. Most notably, we continue to lose elastin and collagen as we age, which are the building blocks of our facial structure. Thankfully, cosmetic injectable treatments and specifically dermal fillers have proven to be able to treat a wide range of aesthetic concerns like this.

With dermal fillers, our expert team at The Beauty Collective in Reno, Nevada can help you achieve the exact look you are desiring, or get a lot closer to it at least. Dermal fillers are super versatile and can lift, contour, and reshape areas of concern that you are looking to improve.

We all know the ultra-popular Juvéderm collection of fillers as the MVP of dermal fillers– this brand of filler is the most effective when it comes to addressing concerns such as loss of volume and facial definition. Each filler formula of this collection is designed to target different concerns and different areas of the face and neck.

The Beauty Collective team is excited to help you rejuvenate your appearance with Juvéderm dermal fillers by helping to balance and restore the structure in different areas of your face and facial profile. We have just started offering the brand new Juvéderm Luxe Jawline filler (aka the Volux XC), and our patients have seen incredible results so far.

Why Are Juvéderm Fillers So Exciting?

For many years, there were not any aesthetic treatments that could effectively tighten your jowls without undergoing a facelift or neck lift. It was difficult to get the jaw-defining and lifting results with filler alone. This hyaluronic acid (HA) filler is the most firm of the collection and was designed to shape and define both jawlines and chins without surgery or a ton of downtime. 

The Juvéderm Volux XC is the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler that can effectively improve lost definition in the jawline. The structural gel used in this filler is truly revolutionary– it can treat moderate-to-severe cases and give you long-lasting results.

Volux XC is formulated with VYCROSS technology, which is a patented combination of low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. This technology helps to create a smooth and natural-looking result, with less swelling and downtime than other fillers.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

The Beauty Collective team will always assess your skin and areas of concern during a consultation first and foremost. We will be able to make the best recommendations based on the assessment and recommend a personalized treatment plan to help you get the best results. 

During the treatment, our team uses numbing medication to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during treatment. The filler is injected along the jawline to lift and contour to your desired results. The placement and dosage will all be discussed with you before the treatment starts, and the total treatment time can take around 20-30 minutes depending on how many areas are being treated in one appointment.

Our team will take after photos and give you detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure you know what to expect. Most patients will start to feel some soreness as the numbing wears off for up to 24 hours after the treatment. An ice pack and Tylenol will usually do the trick for this. Soreness and any swelling will gradually become less noticeable for a few days after treatment.

How Long Do Results Last?

With most dermal fillers, you can expect to have optimal results for up to a year after treatment. The new Juvéderm Luxe Jawline filler can last for up to two years in some cases, especially with a couple of maintenance treatments in between. It varies from person to person!

Book Your Consultation or Appointment With The Beauty Collective Team

It’s always important to have a consultation and get treated with expert aesthetic injectors that you trust, especially when it comes to dermal filler. If done correctly, the use of Juvéderm Luxe Jawline filler can give you stunning, yet natural results. Are you ready for the sculpted chin and sharp jawline of your dreams? Schedule your consultation with The Beauty Collective team in Reno, Nevada to learn more about this cutting-edge treatment and how we can help you get your desired aesthetic results.


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