The Top 5 Facials in Reno


Curious to learn what the top facial treatments in Reno are this year? 💁🏻‍♀️

Skincare facials are a cornerstone of the beauty industry. They are the best way to rejuvenate the skin, deep clean pores, eliminate acne, and provide more skin-loving benefits because facials prioritize skin health. Better yet, the latest medical-grade facials are advancing with new technologies to create results unlike ever before. 

 Here at The Beauty Collective in Reno, we offer a wide range of medical-grade facials to treat all common skin concerns, but here are our top 5 treatments. 

  1. Aquagold Facial

  2. Hydrafacial 

  3. Microneedling + Growth Factors

  4. Advanced LED Facial

  5. Ultimate Glow Package

Does your favorite make the list? Keep reading to learn more about these top facials in Reno and explore if they’re right for you.

1. Aquagold Facial

This facial hits the jackpot so it’s no wonder that it’s one of our most popular skincare treatments. The AquaGold® Fine Touch™ is an FDA approved micro-channeling injection device that delivers a customized blend of products deep into the skin through 24k gold needles. 🥇 

This facial helps reduce pore size, brighten dull skin, increase skin hydration, refine skin texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. How?

The hollow 24 karat gold needles create tiny punctures in the skin and deposit product beneath the skin’s surface. This blend of injected products is customized to each patient based on their specific concerns and aesthetic goals. Some popular concoctions include Botox, hyaluronic acid, natural growth factors, anti-aging serums, vitamins, antioxidants and more. 

Besides its endless customization, patients love this facial because an AquaGold® treatment’s results typically lasts 2 to 3 months!

2. Hydrafacial 

The Hydrafacial is our tried and true, better-than-your-average facial. Known for its three-step process, a HydraFacial deep-cleans, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin. Its unique handheld device creates a vortex cleaning movement, helping to deep clean pores and clear the way for anti-aging serums and other topical products to penetrate deeper.

As the name suggests, a Hydrafacial is all about hydration and creating a foundation for healthy, radiant skin. Plus, a base of healthy skin will improve the results of other treatments, like neurotoxins and fillers

Our team recommends a regimen of HydraFacial® treatments throughout the year for continued improvement in skin tone, pore size, fine lines and skin elasticity. The smooth, hydrated, skin-refining results last about 5 to 7 days. A regular maintenance plan with HydraFacial® treatments can easily help you maintain optimal skin health.

3. Microneedling + Growth Factors

While it’s not precisely a “facial,” we still thought this incredible microneedling treatment deserved a spot on our list because our Reno-based clients are obsessed with it. You can read all about it here, but in short, Microneedling with Growth Factors, aka collagen induction therapy, is a skin rejuvenation procedure.

It helps minimize the signs of aging, improve the appearance of acne (scars) and rejuvenate aging skin. Growth factors, which are safely harvested from your own blood, contain skin-loving nutrients and can be used to speed the healing process, boost collagen production, and increase results after microneedling.

Another microneedling treatment we offer is the new Vivace® Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling.

It’s one of the newest radio frequency microneedling devices that helps with acne breakouts, acne scars, skin tone, texture and pore size. As the micro-needles pierce their magic, skin undergoes healthy radio-frequency therapy where a red LED light helps to stimulate collagen, and a blue LED kills the bacteria.

FDA-cleared for your safety, the Vivace RF Microneedling is a minimally-invasive treatment that stimulates the natural production of collagen. It is proven to be effective in diminishing facial wrinkles, fine lines, and tightening and toning the face. It can also be done on the neck, hands, and body.

4. Advanced LED Facial

Our team - and more importantly, our clients - loves the Advanced LED Facial that The Beauty Collective offers. Why? It’s completely customizable to create THE ideal treatment for all skin types and concerns, even for those with sensitive skin and those who are pregnant. 

But it gets better. 

This advanced, customized facial tailored for your skin also includes LED therapy. The gentle, non-UV rays of these medical-grade LED lights enter your skin at different depths to treat a wide variety of skin concerns. LED facial treatments are useful to treat acne by killing bacteria and can even ease excess oil production. Other rays can ease inflammation and reduce redness. Yet, others can boost collagen production to tighten and smooth the skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles.


5. Ultimate Glow Package

The Ultimate Glow Package is another crazy, popular facial beloved by our Reno patients. It’s truly the perfect, all inclusive facial because it covers all of the traditional steps of a facial and more. 

Depending on your unique skin type and concerns, your aesthetician may customize these steps, but the average patient experiences:


⚡Deep exfoliation,


⚡HydraFacial + RevitaPen

⚡Facial and neck massage

⚡Custom HydroJelly Mask

⚡Cold rolling

The results help patients restore a more youthful glow. It’s a perfect treatment for right before a big event where you want your skin as dewy and hydrated as possible. Who needs highlighter on their cheekbones when you have the Ultimate Glow Package?

Book your favorite facial in Reno

Healthy skin is happy skin and that means happy, more confident clients - and we’re here for it. Our expert staff will happily discuss your aesthetic goals and help make informed decisions on what’s best for you and your skin. A facial regime can help put your best face forward every day you’re not in our office.
Book an appointment by giving us a call at (775) 451-7480 or send us a quick email at

Show your skin some love.


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